
Dear Students and Parents,
It’s a great privilege to be the Principal of Vaatsalya School – committed to the cause of education. I am sure I shall enjoy working with the dedicated and hardworking team of teachers and supportive parents.

We recognize the importance of working in partnership with parents and the wider community and strive to improve and develop this relationship in order to support our children to achieve his/her fullest potential and achieve the highest possible standards. Good relationships and effective communication are important. Parents need to demonstrate trust and respect for the school and its policies, only then will the children feel that they are secure.

Given the rapid pace of change and advancement in spheres of life that we see today, the staff team will be trained in skills to impart quality education in a caring and secure atmosphere. We aim at creating opportunities that enable our children to recognize and appreciate their unique qualities and develop their strengths so that they make a positive impact on society.

Together we shall empower our children to be lifelong learners.